Episode 6

Key Questions For Better Sales Hiring


Dr. Jim emphasizes that while there are no silver bullet questions to find the perfect candidate, there are principles to consider for making the best possible hires. He advises having a standardized set of questions that align with the purpose and values of the organization. Work style, feedback loops, and vision alignment are also important factors to assess during the interview process. Cultural fit is crucial, and asking the right questions can help ensure alignment between the candidate and the organization's vision.

Key Takeaways:

Standardize interview questions to assess purpose and value alignment.

Consider work style compatibility with the organization's pace and requirements.

Evaluate how candidates handle direct feedback and performance-related feedback.

Assess vision alignment to determine if the candidate's long-term goals align with the organization's.

Cultural fit is essential, and asking the right questions can help identify alignment.

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Dr. Jim: [:

If you heard that and you believed it, we have a lot more conversations that we need to have. Because let's set the record straight. There are no silver bullet questions that are gonna help you find that perfect candidate that you're looking for. But there are some principles that you need to keep in mind if you're looking to make sure that you're making the best possible decision in the hiring process where you can ensure that you're hiring somebody that's really strongly culturally aligned.

So again, There are no silver bullets, but there are some general principles that you need to keep in mind. So what are some of the fundamental things that you should be thinking about in your interview process to make sure that you're making the best possible hires that line up with your culture?

d foremost, you need to make [:

One, they need to be aligned with the purpose of what you're trying to do. How does that candidate align with your purpose? How does that connect with them at the individual level? And you need to vet that out. And the second element is you need to make sure that there's connectivity between your values, the values of your organization, and

the personal professional values that the individual you're interviewing has. A really strong way to chart a clear path for your organization is to get deeply aligned with mission, vision, values, and use that as the lens that you use for any number of things, but especially hiring.

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Another area that you need to focus on is work style. You're a startup and you know what that life and pacing is like. So you need to make sure that the people that you're hiring into your organization can match. That pace or match the requirements of the type of organization that you're building.

And this can go anywhere from how do you like to work, how do you like to be managed, how do you manage others? All of these things are gonna be critically important for you to vet out in the interview process so that you're minimizing the risk of a misalignment when it comes to the hiring process.

and specifically you want to [:

You need to tap into their vision. What's the long-term goal that they're striving towards? How does that fit in with where you want to go? As a founder or leader of an early stage or accelerating growth startup, that vision alignment is gonna help you.

Gain agreement around on any number of things, but especially what's in it for both of you. So if somebody is on a different trajectory or a different vision for themselves, that doesn't align with where you are from an organizational perspective, that should give you some pause to determine if this is the right move.

ask to make sure that you're [:

The vision, mission, values of the organization, and structuring your interview in a way that aligns with the things that are important to who you want to be when you quote unquote grow up. It's gonna be an important part of the puzzle or piece of the puzzle as you build that elite sales organization.

Make sure you're not sleeping. On the importance of cultural fit and asking the questions that point to culture, and making sure that the person that you're bringing in is well aligned to not only your vision, but their vision for their career.

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About your hosts

Profile picture for Lucas Price

Lucas Price

Lucas Price has nearly 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur and executive leader. He started his career as a founder of Gravity Payments. Later, as a senior executive, he built the sales team that took Zipwhip from less than $1 million to over $100 million in ARR. He has shifted his focus to solving the waste and loss of failed sales hires.
Profile picture for Dr. Jim Kanichirayil

Dr. Jim Kanichirayil

Your friendly neighborhood talent strategy nerd is the producer and sometime co-host for Building Elite Sales Teams. He's spent his career in sales and has been typically in startup b2b HRTech and TA-Tech organizations.

He's built high-performance sales teams throughout his career and is passionate about all things employee life cycle and especially employee retention and turnover.