Episode 4

Setting Up Your Sales Superstars for Leadership Success


Lucas Price discusses the transition from being a sales superstar to a sales team leader. He highlights the sacrifices and challenges that come with leading a team, but also emphasizes the immense satisfaction that comes from seeing the entire team succeed. Price provides practical tips for aspiring sales leaders, including investing in personal growth, learning to delegate tasks, maintaining effective communication, and building strong relationships while holding people accountable. He encourages leaders to embrace change as an opportunity for growth and to model the behavior they expect from their team. Price concludes by emphasizing the importance of understanding each team member's unique skills and motivations in order to help them succeed.

Key Takeaways:

Transitioning from a sales rep to a sales team leader requires sacrificing personal accomplishments for the success of the group.

Invest in personal growth through leadership classes and self-awareness.

Delegate tasks to allow team members to grow and succeed.

Maintain clear and effective communication with the team.

Build relationships and hold people accountable for their actions.

Embrace change as an opportunity for growth and learning.

Model the behavior you expect from your team.

Connect with us at: https://www.yardstick.team/

Connect with Lucas: linkedin.com/in/lucasprice1

Connect with Dr. Jim: linkedin.com/in/drjimk

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BEST Outro

BEST Intro

Lucas Price: [:

It feels great when everyone succeeds, but you'll be sacrificing your personal accomplishments for the group. Are you willing to go from being responsible for something you can control your results to being responsible for something that you have less control over the performance of others?

If you choose to go on that journey, here's a few things that can help.

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Learn to delegate tasks. The author of Radical Candor, says that when a manager does individual contributor work, they're depriving their team of the context they need to grow and succeed in their job. Teach other people to do important work even if it's easier to do it yourself.

That doesn't mean that you don't stay close to what's going on. Good bosses are more than willing to join in on sales calls to help close key deals. It keeps you grounded and your team will respect the boss who isn't afraid to model what they teach.

Communication is important.

You remember how you took that complicated product description and turned it into a great sales pitch. Use the same clarity when you talk to your team about goals and commitment. The better the communication, the more engaged people will be and the better results we'll be.

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That's how it should be. It's fine if you mess up in your new job. Learn, change and grow. Walk the walk. Think about what you liked about the best boss you ever had. Was it the way they worked, the cool head they had when things got tough?

Try to be like them. The culture and success of your team are shaped by what you do. Don't forget that each salesperson is different. Just like each of your clients learn about your team as well as you know your clients. The more you know about their skills and what drives them, the more you can help them succeed.

When you go from being an individual player to a leader, you stop playing the game and start owning the team. It's hard, but the benefits are immense. They're worth all the work you put into them, so get ready to take your team to higher levels.

About the Podcast

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Building Elite Sales Teams
Secrets to Sustaining Success for Sales Leaders

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About your hosts

Profile picture for Lucas Price

Lucas Price

Lucas Price has nearly 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur and executive leader. He started his career as a founder of Gravity Payments. Later, as a senior executive, he built the sales team that took Zipwhip from less than $1 million to over $100 million in ARR. He has shifted his focus to solving the waste and loss of failed sales hires.
Profile picture for Dr. Jim Kanichirayil

Dr. Jim Kanichirayil

Your friendly neighborhood talent strategy nerd is the producer and sometime co-host for Building Elite Sales Teams. He's spent his career in sales and has been typically in startup b2b HRTech and TA-Tech organizations.

He's built high-performance sales teams throughout his career and is passionate about all things employee life cycle and especially employee retention and turnover.